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“How To Lose Weight After 40…
Training Only 2X Per Week”
TRANSFORM 40 Rapid Weight Loss System
Even if …
you have very little time…
don’t want to give up your life…
or are in the worst shape ever…
we’ve got you covered…
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“Losing Weight After 40 Is Not More Difficult But Different”
Losing weight after 40 is not more difficult than in your 20’s…but rather it’s different.
Your metabolism has slowed down, you are losing muscle mass, plus your hormones are changing, not to mention you are probably out of shape since you haven’t done anything in a while.
You desperately want to lose weight, get healthy, and fit…however you are confused and embarrassed about starting.
On top of that you want all of this without giving up your life to do so…I mean you are busy!
Sounds like Mission Impossibe, doesn’t it?
I got some great news for you…keep reading…
Can you lose weight and get in shape training only 2x/week? Yes, in fact most of my clients get into the best shape of their lives doing exactly this. Even if you have the slowest metabolism ever, have never worked out in your life, and have tried everything under the sun.
However I must be honest with you your results will come down to you and what you put into it.
Transform 40 Is The Exact Program I Have Used With Hundreds Of Clients Over 40 For Rapid Weight Loss Results
Over 20 years ago I went and studied under the top strength and conditioning coach in the world…the guy who professional movie stars and athletes pay top dollar to get them into tip top shape in record times.
He taught a weight training only fat loss system that was brutally effective but as I was soon to find out a bit too demanding and rigid for people over 40.
I came back and started using the system with my clients. I soon noticed that i had to make some big time changes to the program because most people couldn’t follow it…it was just too difficult!
The program started to naturally evolve and took on a life of it’s own…
To my surprise these changes which made the program more realistic and easy to follow for out of shape people over 40 did not affect the weight loss results, I was shocked to say the least.
Over the next 20 years I decided to “push the envelope” to see how little of the original program I could get away with, while still getting the same results. I was able to use different versions of the program with hundreds of clients to finally tweak to perfection my rapid weight loss system for people over 40 that I call Transform 40. THIS PROGRAM IS FIRE.
How Would You Like To Get Jaw Dropping Results Like These…Training Only 2x/Week?
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But before we go any further let me introduce myself…
Hi, I’m Blaine Podaima and I’ve been a personal trainer and “go to” weight loss expert for almost 20 years. I help overweight people lose weight quicker and easier than anything they have every tried, with a simple system that can work for almost everyone.
I bet you have heard this all before…I know how you feel. You have been carpet bombed daily with the latest and greatest weight loss programs, machines and gimmicks….ALL of which have left you disappointed, frustrated and heart-broken.
I’ve been there…and I feel your pain. I do get it.
Now I didn’t always understand weight loss. In fact, I struggled with my weight for many years. To make it worse, I grew up as a “fat and pudgy”, overweight kid.
Let me tell you all about it…I’m sure a lot of you can relate!
My Story
Let me tell you a story. At first I was rather reluctant to share it because it still turns my face red with embarrassment!
You will see why in just a minute…
You see, I grew up on a small farm 100 miles north of Winnipeg. Yes, I grew up driving tractors, bailing hay, and feeding cows! Just like any other Canadian farm kid my age, I did the usual “fun” stuff…hunting, fishing, sports-especially hockey, and (of course) always helping on the family farm.
And one other important thing…I was fat and miserable. I also had very bad acne to boot…and that’s a miserable
experience for any kid to go through!
For as long as I could remember, I always had an issue with food and my love for it, which at times seemed obsessive, overwhelming, and uncontrollable.
I still remember all the junk food, chips, chocolate, Pic A Pop that I had a craving for. To make things even harder, I’m Ukrainian and there was never any shortage of mouth-watering, home-cooked meals. I used to eat, eat, and eat some more…and even though I was very active, I was still very overweight and awkward.
As everyone knows, it can be quite rough for a kid to grow up if you are overweight. The name calling, the teasing, the laughing at, and all that other humiliating crap that goes along with it.
You got it…kids can be very, very cruel.
A Horrific, Shaming Experience Was Waiting for Me
Now, deep in my young soul I knew that I had a weight problem! The sad truth is, I needed to experience one epic, horrific event to get me on my path to lasting weight loss, fitness, and happiness…
And here’s how it unfolded…
I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a crisp and sunny fall day in the early 1990’s. I would have been about 12 at the time. I was wearing my favorite black Ocean Pacific pants with pink neon writing and a pink neon t-shirt.
Just like “Foot Loose” and I was “dressed to impress”.
Now this wasn’t just any ordinary day. This day was special… full of anticipation, promise, and excitement!
It was going to be my first every junior high dance!
Boy, were me and my buddies pumped up for this! All morning we were talking like “big shots” how we were going to be dancing with all the most beautiful girls, (which is hilarious now considering we had zero experience with them!)
But that was all going to change that “magic” day…right?
As the dance started I was both excited and nervous. It seemed like my heart was jumping right out of my chest!
I mean, I really didn’t know what to expect.
It was in the old school gym with some corny decorations. All the girls were sitting on one side, and all the boys were sitting on the other side. Exactly like you see in the retro, cheesy TV shows!
Everything was going good, we were full of fun and horsing around like boys like to do…
And then it happened…the first slow song floated through the gym!
One by one my buddies went up to girls and asked them to dance…and were successful right out of the gate!
This was “the moment” I had been waiting for…
I Was So Nervous My Stomach Was In Knots!
So I went up to a girl I liked and asked her to dance…she said a flat “no.”
I then went to the pretty friend beside her and asked her to dance…she said a teeth-grinding “no.”
I could feel a hot wave of humiliation hit me like a 10 ton brick!
I Wanted To Crawl In A Hole And Die!
I decided I wasn’t going to back down now! I went down the whole row and asked every single girl to dance. One by one they all said “no” and refused to look at me! I never got to dance once that day. I just shrugged it off and pretended it was no big deal…but deep down inside I was devastated, aching, and filled with despair.
Honestly, it was one of the longest days of my life!
I could not wait for that stupid dance to end.
I was upset, angry, and embarrassed all at once…it was a nightmare I never wanted to experience again.
I remember I when I got home I told my mom what happened. Of course she said it was “OK” and to not let it bother me. I was trying to hide the fact I was in serious emotional pain. I mean, what else was she really going to say?
But I Know The Real Reason Why…It Was Because I Was FAT!
I decided at that very moment to make a change that would affect my life forever…
I said to myself: “I will never feel this way again, and I will solve this stupid weight loss problem, or die trying!”
Keep in mind this was before the internet, so I bought stacks of health and fitness magazines to go by. From this point on became obsessed with fitness, working out, and dieting. I took a serous leap into re-building my body. I crash dieted, pumped iron, and ran like crazy.
And guess what?
I Lost All Of The Weight…Over 50 Pounds!
I had “taken charge” of my life and I felt was unbelievable! The vicious name calling and relentless teasing stopped… and were replaced with warm, enthusiastic compliments. People who once made harsh fun of me wanted to be my friend.
Now my life seemed extraordinary and full of potential!
Even though I was no different as a person… the way people treated me was like night and day.
I looked and felt terrific!… The once shy kid disappeared. I was now walking with my head held high and brimming with new-found confidence!
It was an amazing, life-changing experience… and I loved every minute of it!
A wide field of shining possibilities opened up in my life. I NOW had a vision how I could live life and enjoy every moment.
I was living “in the now” and it felt wonderful…
I Decided I Wanted To Help People With Their Weight Loss…And Give Them The Gift Of Health And Confidence!
So I made up my mind I was going to be a personal fitness trainer and fat-loss expert!
And not “just” a personal trainer…but also a guide, trusted advisor, and a leader
in weight loss and body shaping.
It became my passion and obsession…and it still is to this very day. Almost 30 years later!
But, as with a lot of things in life…my priorities shifted and I lost focus on my own well-being.
To my own shock and dismay, I ended up gaining the weight back. And then some…
What a “bad joke!” My own personal genetics had become my worst enemy.
I was now trapped in a “vicious cycle” of weight loss and gain. I would continue to Yo-Yo with my weight
for many years to come…
When it comes right down to it…the haunting thing I kept noticing is the difference in the way people treated me.
BOTH the good…and the bad!
It’s a real fact of life. People will judge you within the first few seconds of looking at you. (And yes, there are many real-world scientific studies to back this up.)
Here’s the truth, losing weight is the number one thing YOU can do to look and feel better.
When you lose weight everything in your life will improve…pretty simple concept, isn’t it?
My Personal Journey
My journey to become a personal trainer took me to the University of Winnipeg where I graduated with a Bachelor of Kinesiology. (which is the study of human and non-human movement.)
I went on to further my education by acquiring my Certified Strength And Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) throughout the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). This certification is recognized as “the gold standard worldwide” for strength and conditioning coaches.
And last but not least I travelled all across North America, spending hundreds of hours learning directly from the best in the business.
And the rest like they say is, history!
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The Big Lie
Now it’s important to understand, which I’m sure a lot of you do, that weight loss has nothing to do with any fancy exercise machines, magic weight loss pills, or fad diets. The multi-billion dollar weight loss industry spends a lot of money to have you believe this. They want you to buy “these magical” weight loss devices, pills, and potions, not so that you can lose weight, but rather so they can make money. They have been irresponsible and have used underhanded tricks to get you to believe in what they say as the truth. The only thing this has led to is you being fed up, frustrated, and disappointed. Don’t worry, it’s not your fault…I get it. My goal is to take your fat loss to a level that you never even imagined was possible. The methods I use are the quickest, safest, and healthiest approach to permanent weight loss. [/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_column_text]
Are you still with me? Good…Now lets talk about all the kick ass benefits you will experience once you start the Transform 40 Rapid Fat Loss System…
- Finally end the years of frustration and confusion. You’ll torch off unsightly body fat faster than you ever dreamed possible…… even if you have tried every program under the sun OR have the worst metabolism ever.
- Lose the “critical” 10% of your body weight. Losing 10% of your bodyweight is proven to drastically reduce your chances of deadly heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and various cancers.
- Crank up your metabolism into overdrive with tactical, highly effective weight training only workouts. You’ll blow through each session with exciting, easy-to-do exercises leaving you refreshed, ready to take on the day, and keep you craving for more.
- Discover the methods used by professional athletes and movie stars. Tap into your body’s unique fat burning code…transforming your body overnight…these “insider tactics” (that I paid a small fortune to learn) will squeeze every last ounce of fat from even the most problem of areas.
- Have the advantage of using everything I have learned with my 20 years of experience specializing in weight loss. You’ll go from rank beginner to fitness pro in no time flat…even if you have never exercised a day in your life.
- Learn how to re-wire your body’s lagging metabolism with custom made diet and exercise programs. “Cookie cutter” programs only work for 30% of the population…you need a program with more precision… what you really need is a program tailored for YOU and YOUR needs and that is exactly what you are going to get.
- Be focused and accountable with weekly weigh- ins, diet tracking, and 24/7 support your weight loss journey will be smooth sailing! Some of the top people in their respective fields have accountability coaches and for good reason…they drastically increase adherence.
- Aggressively combat and REVERSE age related muscle wasting which happens after 30. It’s an outright myth that you can’t have a banging body as you age.
- Strengthen bones and fight off osteoporosis with highly specific exercises. These “structural” exercises are proven to increase bone density when incorporated into a properly designed strengthening program.
- Rehabilitate injuries of the low back, knees, and shoulders. Most of these nagging pains disappear once you begin to strengthen the supporting muscles in the area.
- Correct bad posture caused by sitting at a desk all day. You’ll heal that hunchback , rounded shoulders, and forward head posture by strengthening certain muscles while stretching others…leaving you walking upright and tall!
- Learn why you don’t have to give up your life for your dream body. Brief, fun workouts in a small, quiet, centrally located gym…allows you to get in and out in no time flat! Also this program allows you to actually have a social life with junk food and alcohol allowed!(In moderation of course!)
- Enjoy tightly focused small group training. Train along side others who are on the same journey as you and rooting for you to succeed. Even though you are training with others they will be doing their own workouts in another area of the gym so you can work at a pace that’s comfortable for you!
- Feel comfortable by working with someone who understands the struggles of being overweight. I know what it’s like and understand the psychological battle you face daily.
- Bust through the false myth personal trainers are only for the wealthy. The reality is that personal trainers, like myself are thrilled to work with hard-working, everyday folk just like you…because you’ve finally decided to take control of your life and get the body you’ve always dreamed of!
- Gain healthy, new muscle all over your entire body…and achieve the sleek, lean, toned look you’ve always dreamed of (with head-turning curves in all the right spots!) As an exciting benefit, you’ll defeat age-related muscle loss, put your metabolism in 5th gear, and keep doing the things you love.
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Not Only Will You Get Those Awesome Benefits You’ll Also Be A Weight Loss Insider By Learning:
- How my “elimination” method totally destroys cravings.
- How to supercharge weight loss by doing this simple yet unorthodox technique a couple of times a week.
- How I use my “easy progression system” that will get you to crave working out and keep you coming back for more…most of my clients stay with me long after they have reached their goals.
- What exercises to do to avoid metabolic crash that happens from rapid weight loss.
- How believing the “starvation mode” hype is causing you to gain weight.…and how to attack meal frequency based on your own body for maximum fat loss results!
- How to avoid the dreaded “weight loss purgatory” and why you want to avoid it at all costs!
- How to use strategically placed diet breaks that will keep your metabolism running high.
- How eating your favorite foods at specific times can actually help you lose weight.
- How following this one important step during workouts releases potent fat frying AND anti-aging hormones allowing you to not only burn fat 24/7 but as an additional benefit you’ll look and feel younger too!
- How studies have shown that doing this 2 minute ritual ONCE greatly increases your chance of success…with any goal you may have!
- How eating certain foods for breakfast changes your brain chemicals to keep hunger at bay…all day long.
- Learn why most diet only weight loss programs fail and how you must use the “coupling effect” for your best chance of success. (This “coupling effect” is also is they key ingredient to keeping the weight off once you lose it.)
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The Four Scientifically Proven Pillars Of Transform 40 Rapid Fat Loss System
- Massive Calorie Deficit. To lose weight you must follow the law of thermodynamics. Eat more calories than you burn you gain weight, eat less than you burn then you lose weight. The trick is to create the biggest deficit possible while still providing adequate nutrition for health and muscle growth…and to do it all without starving you. This will result in the fastest weight loss possible.
- Shift your body into ketosis. By following a ketogenic diet we switch your body from burning carbohydrates (sugars) as its main fuel source to fats. This shift forces your body to burn stored bodyfat 24/7 for most of your energy needs. You’ll be burning fat no matter what you are doing…even while you sleep! As an added bonus ketones are known for destroying hunger and cravings. This 1-2 punch is highly effective for stripping weight off quick and easy.
- Exercise program designed to maximize weight loss hormone production. Certain hormones are very powerful at melting off body fat while at the same time building muscle, which is better known as “toning.” These hormones are important if you want that lean, toned, healthy look. This is why a lot of professional athletes get caught taking the synthetic kind which is illegal. These hormones are also known to have anti-aging properties and are used in clinics for their rejuvenating effects on skin, hair, bones and other organs of the body. Maximizing weight loss hormone output is not only essential for looking great but is important for overall health, vitality, and wellness.
- Maximize training density. Or in other words do the most amount of work per unit of time. This results in a dramatic increase in excess post exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) which raises your metabolism for 24 hours following exercise. This is often referred to as the “afterburn.”
- Special Sauce – 10,000 hours of training+ hundreds of clients + thousands of pounds lost+$50,000 education= Transform 40
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Transform 40 Rapid Weight Loss System Is The End Result Of:
20 Years Experience
Over 10,000 Hours Of Training People In The Gym
Hundreds Of Clients
Thousands Of Pounds Lost
Over $50,000 In Education
Not only that I’ve spent well over 10,000 hours (which most people recognize as the minimum to be considered an expert) working with all different types of people… “in the trenches” so to speak, helping them lose weight. I am confident that I have the education and experience to get you the results that you are looking for…no matter what your situation is.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”11860″ img_size=”full” onclick=”link_image”][vc_column_text]
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Once You Start The Program You Can Expect Rapid Results
Not only will your body start to look more toned, you’ll actually start to look younger…A LOT YOUNGER! People don’t realize that when people lose weight you lose a lot of fat in the face as well.
Your self confidence will soar…while earning massive respect and admiration from those important to you. Your physical AND mental transformation will take you to a place you never dreamed possible…you’ll be jumping out of bed everyday with a new found passion in life![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_column_text]
30 Day Weight Loss 100% Money Back Guarantee
If at the end of the 30 days you can look me in the eye and tell me that you haven’t lost any weight while following my Transform 40 Rapid Weight Loss System perfectly then I will gladly refund your money. Every single penny. No questions asked.
That’s right, if you haven’t lost any weight whatsoever it is on the house, no contracts, no obligations, no hard feelings.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”50px”][vc_column_text]
Hold On There’s More!
Hold on to your horses because I’m not done yet! I’m going to do something for you that you are totally going to love. Get a load of this: If you train with me for the 3 month minimum I will match that and give you 3 months to my VIP Private Online Coaching Group! (Value $387)
What does this mean to you? This means that once you quit training with me you will still get access to me and dozens of fresh exciting exercise programs so that you keep progressing and losing weight on your own…without skipping a beat! For 3 months for FREE.
Since I will have taught you how to do the exercises correctly and how to read the programs you will basically get 3 months of free weight loss programs and support from me.
Honestly I don’t know how long I’m going to be offering this bonus. More than likely I will be pulling it shortly as I want to keep my VIP circle tight and offer high quality for the paying members and my current clients. Please take advantage of this sweet deal!
You can check out my VIP Private Online Coaching Group by clicking here.
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The Five Qualifications You Must Meet
- You must make sure this is something you really want to do. You have to be “all in” so to speak. This means giving an honest effort, the kind of effort needed for life changing results. This means showing up for workouts and following the diet as directed. You’ll probably have to make some sacrifices. The thing is with weight loss you can’t have everything, at some point you have to pay the piper. I’ll do everything in my power to help you reach your goals. Remember we succeed or fail together.
- You must be willing to follow the program as directed. This program flat out works and it works well, given you follow it correctly. Once you start making changes your results will be compromised, which neither of us wants.
- You must have realistic expectations. If you believe you can take some magic pills and lose 50 pounds or that you can lose 100 pounds in a couple of months then my service isn’t for you. Also, if you suffer from “shiny object syndrome” and jump from diet to diet without giving them a chance work then we will not be a good fit either.
- You must be able to train with me for at least 3 months. Over the years I have found that anything less is a waste of your precious time and money. Also there is a lot I have to teach you and I have to stand behind my results…you are my walking advertisements. I do not lock people into contracts and take weekly payments. However I ask that people be honest with their intentions.
- You must keep what you learn confidential. You must agree never to resell, publish, or distribute the information you learn in any way, shape, or form. You’ll be learning copyrighted proprietary trade secrets that are for your own use and benefit but not for resale or redistribution in any way.
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My Offer To You
If we agree to work together you’ll get:[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]
- Customized Diet.
- Customized Workout
- Interval Training Program
- 3o Minute Weight Loss Tutorial Video
- Quick Start Grocery Checklist
- Daily/Weekly Weight Loss Checklist
- Diet/Weight Tracker
- 24/7 Support
- Access To Private Facebook Support Group
- Free Access To My VIP Private Online Coaching Group+ 3 Months Free Access After We Are Done Training! ($387 Value Limited Time Offer!)
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Lets Make A Deal
[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Here’s the deal: I’ve been helping people like you rapidly transform their lives for close to 20 years. I have the education, experience, and results and would love to take you on your very own life changing journey…2x/week for45 minutes is all it takes. My rates are $360/month. No contracts.
What to do now: Pick up the phone and call/text 1(204)294-7863 or email me at blaine@podaimaperformance.com and I’ll take care of everything else. Just do it now, while you are thinking about it.
Blaine Podaima, CSCS “Winnipeg’s Weight Loss Specialist”
Owner Podaima Performance
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- How often do I need to train to see results?
Most of my clients train 2-3x/week for 45 minutes and have excellent results - Where do you train at?
Fort Rouge Leisure at 625 Osborne Street. It’s a nice, quiet, un-intimidating gym. - Do I need to get a gym membership as well?
Yes the gym membership is separate from my fees. It works out to $6 and some change per visit or $125 for 3 months. - How fast will I lose weight?
This differs for everyone and is highly dependent on how well you diet and how hard you workout. I do know that my programs can be highly effective for rapid weight loss when done properly. - I don’t have any experience working out, is that ok?
Absolutely! Most of the people that use my services have never stepped foot in a gym before. - I hate cardio and find it boring. Do we need to do this for weight loss?
I do too. Cardio is actually very ineffective for weight loss. This means you won’t be doing any. - Won’t weight training make me all big and bulky?
No, not if you don’t want it to. - I hate dieting! Will I have to follow a diet?
Yes you do. This is non-negotiable. You want results and so do I. You will not be hungry, I promise! - What happens if I am not happy with our first training session?
You get if for free. - I have tried many times to lose weight and it just seems that it will not come off no matter what I do! How will this be any different?
You were doing it all wrong. There is way too much bad information out there. - I have never worked out before and quite honestly the gym scares me!
Most people that come see me have this concern. Trust me, you will see just like they did that you have absolutely nothing to worry about! My professionalism, knowledge, and experience will put you at ease immediately. - I don’t like working out infront of other people…can we do this in my home gym?
No. 99% of home gyms will not give you the results you are looking for. Also the drop out rate for people who work out at home is extremely high. However if you would like to do my programs on your own then look into my VIP Membership Online Training here. - Will I be hungry? I hate being hungry!
No you will not be hungry. I promise! - Will this be too hard for me? The last time I worked out it almost killed me. Are you sure I can handle this?
You will handle this just fine. It almost killed you because you never progressed properly. In my 20 years of training I have yet to have a client to quit because it was too hard. This is actually one of my skills that I am most proud about. - I want results super bad! Can you make sure they happen quickly?
Yes! I want them just as bad as you. You are my walking advertisements.
- If I lose weight faster won’t it be easier to put back on as opposed to losing it more slowly?
No. This is another myth. The studies out there actually suggest the opposite. This means the faster you take the weight off the more likely you are to succeed and keep it off! - How do I know that you know what you are doing?
Look at my education, experience and results. You can’t argue with those! Some very smart people have given me great testimonials. I have been doing this for 20 years and have learned hands on from the top trainers in the world. These guys charge over $600/hour for their consulting services. Also I can provide references if you want. - Why would I pick you over a trainer at one of the big chain gyms?
Me and my business have built up a reputation that I have worked very hard for, and I am very proud of it! I will guard with my life! This means I will do everything in my power and go the extra mile to make sure you get the results that you are looking for! We succeed or fail together. - How much is this going to cost me?
I charge $45/session which equals $360-$540/month. I require a 3 month minimum so at the end of the day it will cost you between $1080-$1620. I do not lock into contracts an take weekly payments however I ask people to be honest with their intentions. - I don’t want to train with other people. Can I train with you 1 on 1?
No, I used to train one on one for many years. Once you have done something for tens of thousands of hours it becomes like second nature. I can easily handle multiple people at a time. I actually feel that it is poor use of my time and skills training one on one. I now only train 2 or more people at a time. Don’t worry you will all be doing different exercises in different parts of the gym, but my attention/time will be divided. Don’t worry this does not affect quality of training or results. I have been doing this for a very long time and this system works well. My clients actually prefer this as it is more cost effective and more efficient. This is why I can charge you $45/session instead of $90/session. - Why do you require a 3 month minimum? Are you trying to soak me for cash?
I do this to make sure you get the results you desire. I have found that anything less is a waste of time and money. 3 months works well for teaching people how to properly workout, diet, and for good weight loss habits to form. I have to feel confident that when you leave me you are thrilled at how much you have achieved and learned. On a side note I actually lose money by having this minimum as I turn people away all the time that want go for shorter periods of time. Sure I could just take the cash knowing that you would more than likely fail but I just wouldn’t feel right about that! - Why do people continue to train with you long after they have reached their goals? It seems like a waste of money to me.
The number one reason people tell me is that it keeps them accountable. They say that they know it’s an appointment they will make it to and it would be too easy to blow off or skip appointments if they were on their own. I also often hear that people don’t want to worry or think about anything when they get to the gym. They just want to be told what to do. I have no problems with that! - Your service sounds too good to be true! Is there anyone that shouldn’t use your service?
Actually there is. I don’t work with athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness competitors. There are other people in the city that are more knowledgeable, have more experience, and have better equipment for working with these people. My specialty is helping people 40+ lose weight and get healthier. I understand that these people have busy lives so my programs are developed to get maximum results with the least amount of time and effort. As they say, “he who is an expert at everything is an expert at nothing!” - What methods of payment do you accept?
Cash, cheque, most major credit cards and e-Transfer. - What are your hours?
Monday-Friday 6am-9am, 3pm-8pm. Weekends off! - I wanted to get started ASAP! What do I do?
Call or text me at (204) 294-7863 or email me blaine[at]podaimaperformance.com now!
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